Three Men Break Into Russell Senate Office Building, D.C.

Update (1316 EST): Confirmed that none of the men have been arrested. One staffer and two other men were merely questioned, then released.

Update (1307 EST): Press claiming that the situation resulted from a cleared staffer using the “wrong door”.

Reports began to emerge moments ago that Capital Police have detained three men who attempted to access the U.S. Capitol through a subway tunnel after breaking into the Russell Senate Office building in Washington D.C.

The three men reportedly made it through the Senate subway complex, but were intercepted at the entrance to the U.S. Capitol.

More details are emerging and this will be updated.

The Russell Senate Office Building is the oldest of the United States Senate office buildings. Designed in the Beaux-Arts architectural style, it was built from 1903 to 1908 and opened in 1909. It was named for former Senator Richard Russell Jr. from Georgia in 1972. It occupies a site north of the Capitol bounded by Constitution Avenue, First Street, Delaware Avenue, and C Street N.E.

United States Military Academy and American Military University Alumni. Victor covers flash military, intelligence, and geo-political updates.


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