Iraqi National Arrested for Planning Christmas Terror Attack Helmstedt, Germany

As this publication reported two days ago, two teenagers in Germany (one Afghan dual national, one Russian) were arrested for planning a terrorist attack at Christmas Day festivities and a synagogue in Cologne, Germany. However, today, German media have announced the arrest of a third migrant, this time an Iraqi national. He was arrested for planning a terror attack at a Christmas market in Hanover, Germany.

On November 21st, the Lower Saxony State Criminal Police Office (LKA) took a twenty year old Iraqi national into custody on suspicion of planning another attack. “We cannot rule this out at the moment,” a spokesman for the Lower Saxony State Criminal Police Office (LKA) told the German Press Agency today, concerning the possibility that the man was going to carry out an attack.

Lower Saxony’s Interior Minister Daniela Behrens (SPD) told NDR that although there was no concrete evidence of specific attacks in Lower Saxony, the available findings prompted the security authorities to take the 20-year-old into preventive custody. According to her office, the man pledged allegiance to ISIS and agreed to carry out the attack.

This is now the third arrest in the span of a week of Islamists planning to carry out Christmas attacks in Germany.

United States Military Academy and American Military University Alumni. Victor covers flash military, intelligence, and geo-political updates.


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