India has plans to combine its four Flight Information Regions (FIR) located in the Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, and Chennai regions, into a singular airspace..The new Air Traffic Management (ATM) is called the Indian Single Sky Harmonized ATM (ISHAN). The headquarters will be in Nagpur, central India..The new system will reportedly have many benefits, including fewer carbon emissions, better safety, and more fuel-efficient routes..The Airports Authority of India (AAI) has allowed the Detailed Project Report to determine the feasibility of INSHAN. They will also find the best technologies to complete the project..India manages over 2.8 million square nautical miles of airspace through the four FIRs and one sub-FIR, not to mention India also shares them with twelve other nations.
India has plans to combine its four Flight Information Regions (FIR) located in the Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, and Chennai regions, into a singular airspace..The new Air Traffic Management (ATM) is called the Indian Single Sky Harmonized ATM (ISHAN). The headquarters will be in Nagpur, central India..The new system will reportedly have many benefits, including fewer carbon emissions, better safety, and more fuel-efficient routes..The Airports Authority of India (AAI) has allowed the Detailed Project Report to determine the feasibility of INSHAN. They will also find the best technologies to complete the project..India manages over 2.8 million square nautical miles of airspace through the four FIRs and one sub-FIR, not to mention India also shares them with twelve other nations.