According to the Police Headquarters West PalatinatePress Office in Germany, a U.S. military contractor was probably murdered on Kapaun Air Station in Kaiserslautern and the suspect has fled abroad. The report reads below:."After a male body was found in the area of a US military property, police and prosecutors are investigating on suspicion of homicide. The dead man is a 63-year-old man who, as an employee of an external company, was carrying out work in a building on the site. He was found lifeless at his workplace by his supervisor a week ago, on Saturday, August 3, 2024..Since the cause of death was initially unclear, the body was seized and an autopsy was carried out. There were indications that the 63-year-old may have died as a result of violence..Initial investigations established a suspicion against a colleague of the dead man. However, the 28-year-old was able to escape abroad before his arrest and has not yet returned. Nothing is currently known about possible motives.".The 86th Airlift Wing at Ramstein Air Base confirmed that German authorities are leading the investigation.
According to the Police Headquarters West PalatinatePress Office in Germany, a U.S. military contractor was probably murdered on Kapaun Air Station in Kaiserslautern and the suspect has fled abroad. The report reads below:."After a male body was found in the area of a US military property, police and prosecutors are investigating on suspicion of homicide. The dead man is a 63-year-old man who, as an employee of an external company, was carrying out work in a building on the site. He was found lifeless at his workplace by his supervisor a week ago, on Saturday, August 3, 2024..Since the cause of death was initially unclear, the body was seized and an autopsy was carried out. There were indications that the 63-year-old may have died as a result of violence..Initial investigations established a suspicion against a colleague of the dead man. However, the 28-year-old was able to escape abroad before his arrest and has not yet returned. Nothing is currently known about possible motives.".The 86th Airlift Wing at Ramstein Air Base confirmed that German authorities are leading the investigation.