According to several sources across Twitter and Telegram, individuals, businesses, and government entities have received conscription summonses or have been directed to gather names for summonses..At approximately 0546, individuals reported that the Passport Office in Minsk has received orders to prepare lists of men under 60 eligible for military service, with summonses being distributed in Rahachow and Gomel..This information was corroborated by a second individual from Rahachow who had posted on their social media that they received a summons to the local army headquarters for evaluation of eligibility. Several social media accounts had also posted that residents in Asipovichy, Belarus had received notices as well. These individuals also claimed that companies in Dokshytsy received letters demanding lists of draft-elligible employees..These half-a dozen reports seem to confirm reporting from 13OCT22 that President Lukashenko had made the decision to begin a covert mobilization program under the guise of a combat readiness test for the military. This report came only one day after the Belarusian President announced that a joint grouping of forces would be established with Russian troops to combat "terrorism" from Western states, presumably Poland which only last month completed its border fence with Belarus..Speaking to Russian state-owned media on 14OCT22, President Lukashenko said that "Putin is not winning there, but you do not win either", regarding Ukraine. He said that Poland is attempting to persuade the U.S. to use nuclear weapons and that President Putin had never established the goal to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine, only being forced to consider it by actions from Western countries..Lukashenko also told Russian media that all CIS countries must be prepared for "a wide variety of provisions from the West along the entire perimeter of the loose alliance. He referenced the heightened terrorist threat level in his own state as a warning to CIS members..These reports also come at the same time as the arrival of the first echelons of Russian Ground Forces in Belarus to form the Grouping of Forces. Currently there is a large presence of Russian Aerospace Forces operating air defense systems, however, these forces are set to form a new operational ground command.. following photos show the 15OCT22 border ceremony between Russian and Belarusian troops, officially forming the grouping and introducing the Russian troops into the country.
According to several sources across Twitter and Telegram, individuals, businesses, and government entities have received conscription summonses or have been directed to gather names for summonses..At approximately 0546, individuals reported that the Passport Office in Minsk has received orders to prepare lists of men under 60 eligible for military service, with summonses being distributed in Rahachow and Gomel..This information was corroborated by a second individual from Rahachow who had posted on their social media that they received a summons to the local army headquarters for evaluation of eligibility. Several social media accounts had also posted that residents in Asipovichy, Belarus had received notices as well. These individuals also claimed that companies in Dokshytsy received letters demanding lists of draft-elligible employees..These half-a dozen reports seem to confirm reporting from 13OCT22 that President Lukashenko had made the decision to begin a covert mobilization program under the guise of a combat readiness test for the military. This report came only one day after the Belarusian President announced that a joint grouping of forces would be established with Russian troops to combat "terrorism" from Western states, presumably Poland which only last month completed its border fence with Belarus..Speaking to Russian state-owned media on 14OCT22, President Lukashenko said that "Putin is not winning there, but you do not win either", regarding Ukraine. He said that Poland is attempting to persuade the U.S. to use nuclear weapons and that President Putin had never established the goal to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine, only being forced to consider it by actions from Western countries..Lukashenko also told Russian media that all CIS countries must be prepared for "a wide variety of provisions from the West along the entire perimeter of the loose alliance. He referenced the heightened terrorist threat level in his own state as a warning to CIS members..These reports also come at the same time as the arrival of the first echelons of Russian Ground Forces in Belarus to form the Grouping of Forces. Currently there is a large presence of Russian Aerospace Forces operating air defense systems, however, these forces are set to form a new operational ground command.. following photos show the 15OCT22 border ceremony between Russian and Belarusian troops, officially forming the grouping and introducing the Russian troops into the country.