FSB Minecraft building being blown up. Credit: Brad Downey
FSB Minecraft building being blown up. Credit: Brad Downey

Russian Teens Jailed For Blowing Up A Building of the FSB In Minecraft (Turned Into NFT) And Terrorism Charges

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In a bizzare set of events, truly a 2022 moment, in early February of this year three Russian teens were sentenced for blowing up a building in Minecraft. The teens, a 16-year old who was jailed for five years over a "terrorist plot" to blow up a Federal Security Services (FSB) building in Minecraft, and two others who had suspended sentences after pleading guilty, were all 14 when they were arrested in 2020. An NFT artist has now minted NFTs imbedded with the code of a blown up FSB building in Minecraft, along with releasing a video them blowing it up for the teens which they later turned into the 3D model NFT that has code allowing the buyer of the NFT to put it into their "minecraft world or meta space". That artist is Brad Downey (@bigtimebrad on Instagram) who says he is creating the NFT with the proceeds going Ukrainians and organizers. He says:

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