
Finland Closes Border With Russia Until Mid-December

According to the Finnish Prime Minister, the national border with the Russian Federation will close on November 30th and not be eligible for reopening until December 13th due to Russian Border Service allowing an influx of asylum seekers to flood border control posts.

Asylum seekers will now only be accepted at Finnish airports and ports.

Finnish Prime Minister Petteri Orpo at a press conference on Tuesday made this announcement, followed up by Interior Minister Rantanen who confirmed that all border stations would be closed after more than 300 migrants, primarily from Iraq, Syria, and Somalia overwhelmed the small outposts over the past week.

“No kind of border crossing is possible at these border stations,” said Interior Minister Mari Rantanen.

This is the most severe spike in Finnish-Russian relations since Finland joined NATO and can be attributed to Russian hybrid warfare tactics used on other NATO countries borders such as Poland.

United States Military Academy and American Military University Alumni. Victor covers flash military, intelligence, and geo-political updates.


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