
Seismic Activity Detected Near Grindavik, Risk of Flow Towards City Increases

Update (2028 EST): The initial fissure has now reached 4km in length.

According to the Icelandic Meteorological Service, new seismic activity southeast of the initial fissure is putting Grindavik city at risk. If the seismic activity indicates new magma tunnels or further collapse, a new eruption could destroy the actual city. Their announcement reads below:

”According to the latest measurements, the seismic activity is moving south towards Grindavík. The measured activity is just east of the magma tunnel that formed on November 10. This development of the seismic activity, together with measurements from GPS devices, is an indication that the magma is moving to the southwest and the eruption could extend in the direction of Grindavík.”

As of this publication, the current fissure (in red) is only breaking North away from the city. President Johannesson has made the following instructions:

United States Military Academy and American Military University Alumni. Victor covers flash military, intelligence, and geo-political updates.


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