
Olaf Scholz Says China Won’t Send Weapons to Russia

President Putin and President Xi during a meeting in February of last year.

On Sunday, while speaking at a press conference with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said that China declared it won’t supply Russia with weapons for their war in Ukraine. For weeks now the U.S. State Department has been warning that China may provide Russia with weapons including kamikaze drones. Von der Leyen added that the EU has received “no evidence” that suggests China plans to supply Russia with weapons. Scholz went on to say, “We all agree that there should be no arms deliveries, and the Chinese government has declared that it will not deliver any either. We insist on this and we are monitoring it.” This all comes after Josep Borrell received similar assurances from China’s top diplomat, Wang Yi, during last month’s Munich Security Conference.
