
Russian Black Bridge Partisan Group Claims Responsibility for FSB Fire

Russian partisan group Black Bridge has claimed responsibility for the fire that almost completely destroyed an FSB building in Rostov, Russia that killed at least four. The fire occurred on March 16th, 2023.

The Black Bridge is a Russian partisan movement opposed to the rule of Vladimir Putin. The organization supports the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

Initial reports of the group came in August 2022 when the movement made recommendations to disrupt referendums on the annexation of the occupied parts of Ukraine to Russia.

After the announcement of the mobilization in Russia, the movement stated that: “the regime has chosen a quick death through agony. … This is good, because the push-and-pull on the Ukrainian front ends and the under-reich will fall faster. It’s bad – because the partisan movement did not have time to properly take shape and the regime would still have time to send several tens of thousands of mobilized for fertilizer.” (Wiki)
