
UXO Detonation Kills at Least 22, Mostly Children, in Southern Somalia, per Official

The district governor of Qoryoley has told the Somalia National News Agency that at least 22 people, most of which being children, were killed in the Lower Shabelle village of Murale on Friday after “old bomb remnants” exploded.

Qoryoley resident Ibrahim Hassan told AFP that the detonation occurred at a playground while children were playing with the unexploded ordinance (UXO).

While the origin and age of the UXO remains unknown, the region has been a longstanding hot spot of Islamic militancy, namely from al-Shabaab. Qoryoley and its surrounding areas were briefly under control of al-Shabaab in 2014 and the area has seen frequent militant attacks since, so the presence of UXO is not surprising.
