
Joseph’s Tomb: IDF Convoy Exchanges Fire With Palestinian Militants in East Nablus

Clashes have erupted in the West Bank city of Nablus tonight, with reports of Palestinian militants ambushing a convoy of Israeli Defence Force vehicles moving into the vicinity of Joseph’s Tomb, a holy site for Jews, Christians, and Muslims. 

According to Saraya Al-Quds, the armed wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement, several ambushes were carried out against IDF vehicles using various explosive devices. As a result, the militant group has also claimed to have inflicted a number of casualties on IDF troops. But this remains unconfirmed at this time. 

Likewise, the IDF convoy has been accused of firing ‘excessive tear gas’ at passersby as their convoy continues to move into Nablus’ eastern region.

As this is a developing story, more information will follow.
