
Brazilian Air Force Intercepts Drug Smuggling Aircraft

In a joint operation involving the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) and the Federal Police (PF), a Beechcraft Baron 58 aircraft attempting to enter Brazilian airspace from Paraguay was intercepted. The aircraft was discovered to be attempting to smuggle more than 500 kilograms of cocaine hydrochloride.

The mission utilized two A-29 Super Tucano aircraft and an E-99 AEW&C radar plane, under the monitoring of the Aerospace Operations Command (COMAE) and the PF after the aircraft entered Brazilian airspace without a flight plan.

Following the established Airspace Policing Measures (MPEA) protocols, the aircraft was deemed suspicious, in accordance with Decree 5.144 from July 16, 2004. Despite orders from FAB pilots, the aircraft disregarded warnings, leading to the pilots firing warning shots. The aircraft was then forced to make an emergency landing on a dirt runway near Gaviao Peixoto, Sao Paulo.

After the forced landing, the Federal Police took control of Ground Control Measures (MCS), but two crew members managed to evade capture before the police arrived on the scene.
