Communist Sympathisers Set Fire to Mar del Plata Municipal Building After Death of Former FARC Member Facundo ‘Camilo’ Morales

Communist Sympathisers Set Fire to Mar del Plata Municipal Building After Death of Former FARC Member Facundo ‘Camilo’ Morales

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Yesterday, during a left-wing protest against the 'electoral farce'  in Buenos Aires, Argentina, a former Guerilla of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) suffered a cardiac arrest after a struggle with police employing crowd control tactics. 47-year-old Morales, a FARC member for 15 years, evaded arrest before being imprisoned in Bolivia for a year and then eventually being released to Argentina in 2020. Again, he was arrested by Argentinian police in 2021, with Colombia being the latest state to attempt to try him for the kidnapping of a councilman in 2009. After being released in 2022, Morales laid relatively low, reappearing on Thursday to attend a protest against the general elections being held in October.

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