
Russian Special Forces Archival Ambush Footage Released

Russian milblogger channel Rybar recently published a compilation of GRU/SSO footage of graphic ambushes on Ukrainian forces near border areas of Sumy and Chernihiv regions in Ukraine, reportedly. The video shows buses and pickups particularly targeted, containing reportedly Ukrainian TDF and Border Guard soldiers.

The content of the below video is graphic in nature and contains blood and gore.

The video also shows the mining and blowing up of a bridge across the Sudost River in the Chernihiv region (52.339440, 33.304836), from back in April. Largely, the footage appears to be archival, some of the clips are from last year.

A breakdown of the clips can be found here, 10 vehicles taken out and 31 Ukrainian losses are recorded: https://lostarmour.info/news/rabotaet-sso
