
Islamic Resistance in Iraq Attacks Two US Military Bases

The Islamic Resistance in Iraq, an organization with ties to Iranian-backed Shia militants, released a statement in which the group claimed to have targeted the Ain al-Asad military base located in western Iraq with multiple drones alongside the US Koniko military base in Syria with two missile salvos.

Statement Regarding Iraq:

In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, Permission has been given to those who fight because they have been wronged, and indeed, God has the power to grant them victory. In continuation of our approach to resisting the American occupation forces in Iraq and the region, and in response to the Zionist entity’s massacres against our people in Gaza, the Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance in Iraq attacked the occupied Ain al-Asad base in western Iraq with drones, and the Islamic Resistance confirms its continuation of destroying enemy strongholds. And victory is only from God. Indeed, God is Mighty, All-Wise.

Statement Regarding Syria:

In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, Permission has been given to those who fight because they have been wronged, and indeed, God has the power to grant them victory. In continuation of our approach to resisting the American occupation forces in Iraq and the region, and in response to the Zionist entity’s massacres against our people in Gaza, the Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance in Iraq attacked, with two missile salvos at different times on Monday, the occupied Koniko base in Syria. Resistance is confirmed, and Islam continues to destroy enemy strongholds. And victory is only from God. Indeed, God is Mighty, All-Wise.
