Forces belonging to the Arakan Army conducted a two-day ambush against Junta soldiers near Ramree Island on February 24th. Ramree Island is the largest island in the country, along the Rakhine Coast..The attack happened about 31 miles (50km) from Kyaukphyu deep sea port, which China uses for its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)..Of the one hundred and twenty "Sit-Tat" soldiers sent there by four military transportation helicopters, sixty were killed and their weapons and gear captured.
Forces belonging to the Arakan Army conducted a two-day ambush against Junta soldiers near Ramree Island on February 24th. Ramree Island is the largest island in the country, along the Rakhine Coast..The attack happened about 31 miles (50km) from Kyaukphyu deep sea port, which China uses for its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)..Of the one hundred and twenty "Sit-Tat" soldiers sent there by four military transportation helicopters, sixty were killed and their weapons and gear captured.