
Nikki Haley Will Suspend Presidential Campaign

Nikki Haley is set to drop out of the United States presidential race for 2024 today, March 6th, based on reports from sources familiar with her campaign’s plans.

Her campaign sent out emails to various press outlets, notifying them that Haley will hold a press conference at 10 a.m. EST near Charleston, South Carolina. Speculation is that the press conference is to announce the suspension of her campaign due to her poor performance during yesterday’s Super Tuesday primary. Haley only won one state, Vermont, out of the more than dozen states and territories that held primaries.

Despite the lackluster support during her bid, she pledged to stay in the race even after losing her home state of South Carolina to rival candidate Donald Trump on February 24th.

Haley’s dropping out of the presidential primaries means that former President Donald Trump will be the presidential candidate for the Republican Party.
