
Indian Navy to Visit Germany in Regards to Submarine Project

Indian naval officials will travel to Germany’s ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems (TkMS) this month to facilitate the U-212/214 submarines pitched for India’s Project-75I, which seeks next-generation submarines for expanding the Indian Navy.

The U-212/214 class harbors a unique design, featuring a one-and-a-half hull configuration. The pressure hull being the core of the submarine means its stealth capabilities increase significantly. Another advantage outlined is the Air-Independent Propulsion (AIP) system, which allows for extended periods of operations underwater compared to more traditional diesel-electric engines.

TkMS partnered with the state-owned Indian Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders (MDL) for the bid. This partnership focuses on the Transfer of Technology (ToT) to boost indigenous capabilities concerning construction and maintenance.

This visit highlights an important step in Project 751, with a successful inspection allowing for more negotiations between Germany and India, which could lead to the bid being successful.
