
Russian Milbloggers Report Aerial Assault Against Kozinka, Belgorod, by Legion Forces

Russian milbloggers Mig41, Voenkor Kotenok, and RVvoenkor have reported that pro-Ukrainian, ethnic-Russian forces have launched an aerial assault against the border village of Kozinka, Belgorod, amid heavy fighting in the area following a series of raids over the border into Russia.

On March 12, elements of the Freedom of Russian Legion, Siberian Battalion, and Russian Volunteer Corps, carried out an assault against border areas of Kursk and Belgorod, leading to direct clashes with Russian military forces before seemingly pulling back across the border similar to previous operations in the past.

Fighting has picked up again today, with shelling reported against Belgorod city and continued clashes along sections of the border.

These latest assaults come as Russia prepares for its presidential election this week, in which Vladimir Putin is expected to win. The Freedom of Russian Legion has consistently called on Russians to rise up against Putin.
