
Greek F-16 Crash, Psathoura, Greece

At approximately 0800 EST, initial reports indicated that a Greek Air Force F-16 fighter crashed into the sea near Psathoura, Greece around 0100L (1900 EST on 19 Mar 24). By 0820 EST, local media outlet Zougla gr, reported that an F-16 from the 337th squadron of the 110th Fighter Wing at Larissa had crashed on Psathoura in Alonnisos, Greece after participating with a four-ship detachment of other F-16s. The aircraft in question reportedly crashed shortly after takeoff.

By 0927 EST, the first official government confirmation came from MP Mylonakis who claimed the aircraft suffered a mechanical malfunction.

According to the Hellenic General Staff, the pilot ejected and was rescued at sea. A Super Puma helicopter from Lemnos and a Coast Guard boat recovered the pilot and brought them to an Air Force hospital. The official announcement reads below:

“The pilot of the F-16 Block 52+ aircraft of the 337 Squadron of the 110 Combat Wing, which crashed in the sea area of Psathoura, on Wednesday, March 20, 2024, was picked up at 15:02 unharmed by a Super Puma helicopter of the 130 Combat Squadron, Air Force, and is heading to the 251 Air Force General Hospital.”
