Indian officials have issued a no-fly zone in the Bay of Bengal region for April 3rd-4th, likely for testing of missiles or similar munitions..Another alert has also been issued for the Andaman & Nicobar Islands, close to the Malacca Strait, for a firing exercise for March 29th-30th..Chinese satellite and missile tracking ship, Yuan Wang 03, has been spotted sailing to the Indian Ocean Region, likely to observe the demonstrations. This is not the first time China has spectated India testing weapons..This comes after many recent tests of missiles by India in order to improve design and performance, where they also issued no fly zone alerts.
Indian officials have issued a no-fly zone in the Bay of Bengal region for April 3rd-4th, likely for testing of missiles or similar munitions..Another alert has also been issued for the Andaman & Nicobar Islands, close to the Malacca Strait, for a firing exercise for March 29th-30th..Chinese satellite and missile tracking ship, Yuan Wang 03, has been spotted sailing to the Indian Ocean Region, likely to observe the demonstrations. This is not the first time China has spectated India testing weapons..This comes after many recent tests of missiles by India in order to improve design and performance, where they also issued no fly zone alerts.