Former transportation minister of Singapore, Subramaniam Iswaran, was handed eight additional counts of corruption relating to accepting high-value items on Monday, March 25th..Iswaran allegedly accepted items from Lum Kok Seng, director of Lum Chang Building Contractors, who is heavily involved with the Singaporean government..The items, worth around 14,000 USD (S18,957) were given to Iswaran between November 2021-November 2022, according to the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB) statement made today..The former transportation minister was handed twenty-seven charges on January 18th and now faces thirty-five charges. Iswaran will contest the accusations and plead not guilty.
Former transportation minister of Singapore, Subramaniam Iswaran, was handed eight additional counts of corruption relating to accepting high-value items on Monday, March 25th..Iswaran allegedly accepted items from Lum Kok Seng, director of Lum Chang Building Contractors, who is heavily involved with the Singaporean government..The items, worth around 14,000 USD (S18,957) were given to Iswaran between November 2021-November 2022, according to the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB) statement made today..The former transportation minister was handed twenty-seven charges on January 18th and now faces thirty-five charges. Iswaran will contest the accusations and plead not guilty.