The Malaysian Army has plans to extend the current lifespan on their Pendekar PT-91M Main Battle Tanks (MBT) through the service life extension program (SLEP) on March 27th..The idea was pitched after flaws in the transmissions, fire control, and the Gunner Laser Range Finder (GLRF) were found during a survey that began in June 2023, and ended this month.."Only once the study has been completed and the final outcome is determine, the Army can proceed with the funding for the SLEP," said Defense Minister DS Khaled Nordin, addressing Parliament..Parts for the PT-91M has ceased manufacturing by Polish manufacturer Bumar Laberdy due to the low performance of the T-series in the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine. Due to this, Malaysia signed a maintainence and supply contract with local companies.
The Malaysian Army has plans to extend the current lifespan on their Pendekar PT-91M Main Battle Tanks (MBT) through the service life extension program (SLEP) on March 27th..The idea was pitched after flaws in the transmissions, fire control, and the Gunner Laser Range Finder (GLRF) were found during a survey that began in June 2023, and ended this month.."Only once the study has been completed and the final outcome is determine, the Army can proceed with the funding for the SLEP," said Defense Minister DS Khaled Nordin, addressing Parliament..Parts for the PT-91M has ceased manufacturing by Polish manufacturer Bumar Laberdy due to the low performance of the T-series in the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine. Due to this, Malaysia signed a maintainence and supply contract with local companies.