The junta has launched an attack from a Multiple Launched Rocket System (MLRS) from a base camp against the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and resistance forces in Waimaw township..Waimaw is located within Myitkyina, which is the capital of Kachin State, in Northern Myanmar. The KIA and People's Defense Forces (PDF) are closing in on Myitkyina..The junta has ordered a curfew in the capital, claiming anyone who goes out at night will be shot..The rocket strikes reportedly did not have much effect on the resistance forces. The attack was launched likely in response to the rebel groups operating near the capital of Kachin State..The MLRS fires a volley of rockets from a fixed platform with the ability to strike targets from a great distance, similar to traditional artillery.
The junta has launched an attack from a Multiple Launched Rocket System (MLRS) from a base camp against the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and resistance forces in Waimaw township..Waimaw is located within Myitkyina, which is the capital of Kachin State, in Northern Myanmar. The KIA and People's Defense Forces (PDF) are closing in on Myitkyina..The junta has ordered a curfew in the capital, claiming anyone who goes out at night will be shot..The rocket strikes reportedly did not have much effect on the resistance forces. The attack was launched likely in response to the rebel groups operating near the capital of Kachin State..The MLRS fires a volley of rockets from a fixed platform with the ability to strike targets from a great distance, similar to traditional artillery.