At approximately 0245 EST, initial reports indicated a shooting took place at a Russian military deployment site in Belgorod, Russian Federation. Pro-Russian Telegram page Bazan identified the suspected below:."After a shooting at a military location in the Belgorod region, they are looking for 29-year-old serviceman Alexei from Chuvashia..Preliminarily, as a result of the shooting on the evening of July 11, two people died and one was wounded. It was initially assumed that the fugitive took with him a Kalashnikov machine gun and 70 rounds of ammunition, but, presumably, the weapon was found not far from the scene of the incident.".As if this publication, Alexei is still at large. Two have been confirmed killed and one injured, reportedly among his military unit.
At approximately 0245 EST, initial reports indicated a shooting took place at a Russian military deployment site in Belgorod, Russian Federation. Pro-Russian Telegram page Bazan identified the suspected below:."After a shooting at a military location in the Belgorod region, they are looking for 29-year-old serviceman Alexei from Chuvashia..Preliminarily, as a result of the shooting on the evening of July 11, two people died and one was wounded. It was initially assumed that the fugitive took with him a Kalashnikov machine gun and 70 rounds of ammunition, but, presumably, the weapon was found not far from the scene of the incident.".As if this publication, Alexei is still at large. Two have been confirmed killed and one injured, reportedly among his military unit.