Update (1306 EST): PM Stramer publicly defends the return of aliens to France as an "operational decision"..At approximately 1930 EST on July 17th, 2024, reports emerged that a vessel carrying illegal aliens from France had capsized in the English Channel. One alien died and 71 had been rescued by the UK Border Force..it appears that the UK Border Force returned those surviving aliens to France, the first time since cross-strait transits began, in earnest, in 2021..LBC.UK is reporting that Prime Minister Starmer has not changed the government policy on bringing aliens into the UK from the English Channel, despite comments this morning that there is a full blown crisis. They postulate that the passengers most likely required immediate medical attention, so returning to France was the best choice..PM Starmer and French President Macron are set to meet today to discuss the crisis.
Update (1306 EST): PM Stramer publicly defends the return of aliens to France as an "operational decision"..At approximately 1930 EST on July 17th, 2024, reports emerged that a vessel carrying illegal aliens from France had capsized in the English Channel. One alien died and 71 had been rescued by the UK Border Force..it appears that the UK Border Force returned those surviving aliens to France, the first time since cross-strait transits began, in earnest, in 2021..LBC.UK is reporting that Prime Minister Starmer has not changed the government policy on bringing aliens into the UK from the English Channel, despite comments this morning that there is a full blown crisis. They postulate that the passengers most likely required immediate medical attention, so returning to France was the best choice..PM Starmer and French President Macron are set to meet today to discuss the crisis.