According to Russian state-owned media, US national Michael Leake was sentenced to thirteen years in prison on drug charges in Moscow, Russian Federation. The official announcement reads below:."Former American paratrooper and musician Travis Michael Leake has been sentenced to 13 years in prison in Moscow, the court reported. The American was accused of organizing a drug-dealing business involving young people. The second defendant in the case, Veronika Grabanchuk, was also found guilty.".Leake was detained on June 11th, 2024. The Khamovniki District Court of Moscow accused Travis Michael Leke of organizing a drug trafficking business "involving young people," according to Russia's Interfax news agency..He now joins the growing list of US citizens imprisoned in the Russian Federation.
According to Russian state-owned media, US national Michael Leake was sentenced to thirteen years in prison on drug charges in Moscow, Russian Federation. The official announcement reads below:."Former American paratrooper and musician Travis Michael Leake has been sentenced to 13 years in prison in Moscow, the court reported. The American was accused of organizing a drug-dealing business involving young people. The second defendant in the case, Veronika Grabanchuk, was also found guilty.".Leake was detained on June 11th, 2024. The Khamovniki District Court of Moscow accused Travis Michael Leke of organizing a drug trafficking business "involving young people," according to Russia's Interfax news agency..He now joins the growing list of US citizens imprisoned in the Russian Federation.