The Rheinmetall company has been formally requested to build an ammunition factory in Ukraine by the Ukrainian government. The announcement reads below:."Rheinmetall has now received its first important order from the Ukrainian government for the construction of an ammunition factory in the Ukraine, which was announced in February 2024, and marks the starting point for the realization of the project. The order for the Duesseldorf-based technology group Rheinmetall covers the complete technical equipment of the factory through to commissioning. This involves a total value ranged in a low three-digit million-euro range, which will be booked as incoming order at the start of the third quarter of 2024. It is foreseen to begin in short term and to be completed within a few years. The intention is to start the ammunition production in the Ukraine within 24 months. Together with its Ukrainian joint venture partner, Rheinmetall will also be responsible for operating the plant.".Armin Papperger, the CEO of Rheinmetall also commented on the request, affirming the company had received the request and intended to fulfill it. This comes only two weeks after the public learned the US and Germany had foiled a reported Russian intelligence plan to assassinate Papperger. It is clear that any Rheinmetall factory on Ukrainian soil would be subject to Russian targeting and probable destruction.
The Rheinmetall company has been formally requested to build an ammunition factory in Ukraine by the Ukrainian government. The announcement reads below:."Rheinmetall has now received its first important order from the Ukrainian government for the construction of an ammunition factory in the Ukraine, which was announced in February 2024, and marks the starting point for the realization of the project. The order for the Duesseldorf-based technology group Rheinmetall covers the complete technical equipment of the factory through to commissioning. This involves a total value ranged in a low three-digit million-euro range, which will be booked as incoming order at the start of the third quarter of 2024. It is foreseen to begin in short term and to be completed within a few years. The intention is to start the ammunition production in the Ukraine within 24 months. Together with its Ukrainian joint venture partner, Rheinmetall will also be responsible for operating the plant.".Armin Papperger, the CEO of Rheinmetall also commented on the request, affirming the company had received the request and intended to fulfill it. This comes only two weeks after the public learned the US and Germany had foiled a reported Russian intelligence plan to assassinate Papperger. It is clear that any Rheinmetall factory on Ukrainian soil would be subject to Russian targeting and probable destruction.