
Intense Video of Ambush on Russian Convoy

This video has been making the rounds today and reportedly shows an ambush which occurred yesterday on a Russian convoy.


Something noted by analysts that I agree with is the difficulty the Russian military currently has when it comes to successfully defending against the Ukrainian combined use of low-end drones and artillery.

I want to add that guerrilla style tactics like this are likely to be used again and again in the future by Ukrainian forces. This is because they are at a disadvantage when it comes to tanks, armored vehicles, artillery and so on. Guerrilla tactics are going to be the best option for the Ukrainians in many situations to come. Look at essentially any conflict in the second half of the 20th century and you will see how devastating guerrilla tactics can be against a military which has the advantage on paper.

Chase Baker
Chase Baker
Chase is a seasoned journalist and former resident of Iraqi Kurdistan. With a background in English and Philosophy from the College of Charleston, Chase covered the 2022 conflict in eastern Ukraine, including cities like Kharkiv, Bakhmut, and Kramatorsk. He has also produced short documentaries in Ukraine and the U.S., and has been with Atlas for three years.


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