
Russian Ground Forces Breach Lysychansk Suburbs

Update (1402 EST):

Lieutenant General Igor Konashenkov, spokesman for the Russian Defense Ministry just announced:
“The formations and military units of the “Center” grouping of forces under the command of Colonel General Lapin A.P. broke through the well-prepared defenses of the Ukrainian troops, defeated the opposing enemy, and, developing the offensive, blocked the city of Lisichansk from the south,”. Konashenkov Also said that within five days this group of troops took control of 11 settlements, the largest of them: Loskutovka, Mirnaya Dolina, Ustinovka

Ukrainian Armed Forces General Staff have admitted that Russian Ground Forces have penetrated the settlement of Vovchoyarivka. This urban settlement lies less than 3.5 miles to the city center of Lysychansk, which has now been reinforced by Ukrainian fighters who are evacuating Severodonetsk. The position across the River at Azot Chemical Plant has become untamable as beleaguered Ukrainian BTGs South of Lysychansk are being swept aside by massed Russian artillery fire and infantry assaults.

The Ukrainian Government Portal provided this update: “

In the Severodonetsk direction, the occupiers carried out artillery shelling in the areas of the settlements of Lysychansk, Severodonetsk, Loskutivka and Spirne. Inflicted an air strike in the area of ??Lysychansk. They carried out assault operations in the industrial zone of Severodonetsk.
Ukrainian defenders successfully repulsed the assault near the southern outskirts of Lysychansk. The enemy, with the support of artillery, launched an assault in the direction of Vovchoyarivka, the fighting continues.
In the Bakhmut direction, the occupiers fired artillery at the areas of the settlements of Belogorovka, Yakovlivka and Mayorske. Inflicted air strikes near Yakovlivka, Mykolayivka and Pokrovsky.
The enemy captured the settlement of Nikolaevka. The enemy’s reconnaissance attempt in the direction of Myronivka-Uglehirska TPP failed. The occupiers, with losses, withdrew.”

These reports are less optimistic of the Chechen Leader Kadyrov’s announcement that Lysychansk is now surrounded. In the next 24-48 hours, the Battle for Lysychansk will most likely reach a turning point, if Ukrainian troops can stood LPR, Chechen, and Russian led forces from penetrating further into the southern suburbs.

Head of the Luhansk Oblast Administration Serhiy Haidai stated yesterday that Ukrainian troops may have to retreat to avoid encirclement in Lysychansk. Ukrainian troops have succeeded for weeks in drawing substantial quantities of Russian personnel, weapons, and equipment into the area and have likely degraded Russian forces’ overall capabilities. Especially in Kherson where Ukrainian troops hav announced they have penetrated to the outskirts of the city of Kherson. 


United States Military Academy and American Military University Alumni. Victor covers flash military, intelligence, and geo-political updates.


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