
Iran-Backed Militia Claims Responsibility for Drone Strike that Killed American Contractor in Syria

The Iran-backed Syrian militia Liwa Al-Ghaliboon, or “Conquerors Brigade,” has claimed responsibility for Thursday’s drone strike against Coalition forces at a base in Hasakah, northeastern Syria, which killed an American contractor Scott Dubis. The attack also left another contractor and five other United States servicemen wounded.

Liwa Al-Ghaliboon, which aligns itself with Hezbollah, released a statement saying:

“We announce that the Islamic Resistance’s drone regiment, Brigade |  Most of the targeted Rmeilan Airport, located in the Arab Republic |  Syria, which was occupied by the American forces with a drone at noon on the first Thursday of the holy month of Ramadan, at exactly one o’clock in the afternoon, Baghdad time, and the operation, with the recognition of the American occupation, resulted in the killing and wounding of many of its soldiers.  Our operation and other operations that will follow, God willing, the Almighty, come within the context of the natural and legitimate response to the crime of targeting the leaders of victory and their comrades, may God be pleased with them, in addition to the brutal crimes |  And the terrorists committed by the American occupation forces in our country and our region. The leadership of the Ghaliboon Brigade is determined to carry out more precise operations  against the American occupation forces, and with ever-evolving weapons, and he will not be blessed  The Americans are in security in Iraq and outside it until the complete exit of the American occupation forces from our country, in the name of which they will not be helped.”

The statement was accompanied by footage of a drone launch, which appears to be an Iranian Ababil-family loitering munition, which carries a 30-kg warhead. Some sources have suggested that it is a Qassef 2k, which is an export model that is normally supplied to Houthi rebels in Yemen, however, Iran-backed Shia militias in Syria have also been supplied them as well.

The drone strike kicked off a series of tit for tat strikes between American forces and militia elements in Syria. American airstrikes on militia targets in Dier Ezzor resulted in over a dozen fighter deaths. Meanwhile, militia elements fired rockets against American forces at the al-Omar and Conoco gas and oil fields, however, no casualties were officially reported.

Unbiased & Unfiltered News Reporting for 12+ years. Covering Geo-Political conflicts, wartime events, and vital Breaking News from around the world. Editor-In-Chief of Atlas News.


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