
Significant Chinese Incursions Around Taiwan

In the last twelve hours there have been approximately 110 PLA aircraft incursions into the Taiwanese Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) with dozens of median line crossings over the Taiwanese Strait. The first wave of 42 aircraft flew at 0130 EST, they were accompanied by 8 major surface combatants in the waters around Taiwan. A second wave of 71 aircraft and 9 major surface combatants were detected at 0920 EST.

This has been the largest single day incursion since August 2022 in response to U.S. House Speaker Pelosi’s visit. The Chinese Eastern Theater Commander announced a series of readiness drills in and around Taiwan, possibly in response to U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee Chair McCaul visiting Taipei in which he said the U.S. is speeding up arms delivery, training and deployments to Taiwan in order to counter aggression and possible invasion.

In addition to these incursions, the Peoples Liberation Army Rocket Forces have been conducting large drills in and around the Taiwanese Strait, although no launches have been detected yet. During the August 2022 drills, those forces fired several rockets over mainland Taiwan and impacted waters surrounding the country.


United States Military Academy and American Military University Alumni. Victor covers flash military, intelligence, and geo-political updates.


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