
EACRF Commander Allegedly Resigns, Kenya Says He Did Not

Commander of the East African Community Regional Force (EACRF), Kenyan Maj. Gen. Jeff Nyagah, allegedly delivered on Friday his letter of resignation citing an “aggravated threat” to his “safety and a systematic plan to frustrate efforts of the EACRF”. His letter claims in January several “mercenaries” placed a number of monitoring devices around his residence, which forced him to relocate. His letter further claims that “there has also been a well-orchestrated and financed negative media campaigns targeted at my personality and direct written false accusations of the EACRF’s complacency on the handling of the M23 group”. 

The General’s alleged letter may be read in full below.

The General’s Letter.

While the DRC government has stated the letter is legitimate, the Kenyan Defence Forces have denied the claim of the general’s resignation, claiming it as a fake.


The EACRF has been facing harsh criticism from the DRC Government, and some of the populace, for their handling of the present crisis in the Eastern DRC. Their original mandate, in regards to the M23, was primarily that they would occupy and ensure security in areas that the M23 was withdrawing from according to the Luanda agreement. While they have been doing this, and the region has seen a series of M23 withdrawals, The DRC government wants the EACRF to be actively engaging the M23 rebels. Technically speaking, the EACRF’s mandate expired last month, and has yet to be renewed. While the member forces (Uganda, Kenya, South Sudan, and Burundi have deployed troops as apart of the force) are open to its renewal, they primarily wish it to maintain its present purpose. With the DRC government demanding the EACRF be used offensively against the M23, it is unclear if their mandate will be renewed or not.

Sébastien Gray
Sébastien Gray
Sébastien is a published journalist and historicist with over six years of experience in freelance journalism and research. His primary expertise is in African conflict and politics, with additional specialization in Israeli/Palestinian and Armenia/Azerbaijan conflicts. Sébastien serves as the deputy desk chief for Africa.


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