
Mass Drone Strike Targets Moscow Oblast

United States Military Academy and American Military University Alumni. Victor covers flash military, intelligence, and geo-political updates.

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At approximately 1145 EST, reports began to emerge of several explosions and air defense actions above Odintsovo, Krasnagorsk, Nikolo-Uriupino, Ilinskii, Kuntsevo Piskovo, Barvikha, Nemchinovka, and Moscow proper. From several eyewitness videos, at least one of the drones, assumed to be Ukrainian, appears to be a Ababil-1.


This drone is manufactured by Iran and is used by Tajikistan, Iraq, Sudan, and Syria. It has a rear mounted wing form and prop, giving it a unique silhouette. Tajikistan also retains the rights to produce this drone. However, Dushanbe has publicly denied any export of military hardware.

Moscow, Russia Mayor Sobyanin confirmed at least two drones struck high rise apartments in Leninskiy Prospekt, Moscow. 300 people have been evacuated from both structures as of this publication.

Moscow Oblast Governor Vorobiev confirmed that air defenses shot down multiple drones and urged the public to remain calm.

This is developing.
