Violence in the Levant: Israeli’s Raid Jenin with Helicopters, Palestinian Militants Launch Retaliatory Attacks

Violence in the Levant: Israeli’s Raid Jenin with Helicopters, Palestinian Militants Launch Retaliatory Attacks

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Yesterday saw some of the largest clashes in the West Bank in many, many years. In the early hours of Monday the IDF began a raid on Jenin, in the West Bank. Clashes began, as they often do, but continued to grow in ferocity and size, worsening as IDF reinforcements poured into Jenin. Palestinian groups managed to knock out an IDF "Namer" armoured vehicle. The rescue operation for both the troops inside, and the extraction of the vehicle itself, reportedly took over an hour as Palestinian militants maintained fire on the extraction attempt. The vehicle had to be dragged out of Jenin by a modified bulldozer.

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