
Two Iranian Police Officers Killed in Jaysh Al-Adl Suicide Bombing, Zahedan, Iran

At approximately 0530 EST on July 6th, 2023, reports began to emerge of civil unrest in Zahedan, Sistan, and Baluchestan Provinces, Iran. Internet usage was throttled by government services and additional security forces were deployed.

However, by 0002 EST on July 7th. 2023, reports of unrest turned violent as continuous automatic gunfire and explosions were heard in Zahedan.

By 0145 EST, local Iranian authorities confirmed that an armed group had initiated a complex ambush against Police Station 16 in Zahedan. By 0500 EST, the Itanian Revolutionary Guards Corps Ground Forces had confirmed that four militants were killed by respinding security forces after deotnating at least two suicide vests and attempting to storm Police Station 16. They had also confirmed that two police officers had been killed in the attack.

At 0945 EST, Jaysh Al-Adl had claimed responsibility for the attack. Their statement reads below:

“Police 16 was one of the main factors in the Bloody Friday tragedy. The Army of Justice informs the public that the children of Rashid have succeeded in the strategic battalion of the victims of divine justice.”

The Zahedan massacre, also known as Bloody Friday was a series of violent crackdowns starting with protesters gathering and chanting in front of a police station near the Great Mosalla of Zahedan, Iran on 30 September 2022 leading to many casualties. (wiki)

Jaysh Al-Adl ‘Army of Justice’ is a Salafi Islamist militant organization that operates mainly in southeastern Iran, where there is a substantial concentration of Sunni Baluchis and a porous border with Pakistan. The group is responsible for several attacks against civilians and military personnel in Iran. The group claims that it is a separatist group fighting for independence of Sistan and Baluchistan Province and greater rights for Baluch people. Iran believes that the group is linked to Al-Qaeda. The group also maintain ties with Ansar Al-Furqan which is another Iranian BalochSunni armed group operating in Iran. Salahuddin Farooqui is the current head of Jaish ul-Adl. His brother, Amir Naroui, was killed by Taliban in Afghanistan. (wiki)

United States Military Academy and American Military University Alumni. Victor covers flash military, intelligence, and geo-political updates.


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