Syrian Government Clashes with Pro-Government Militia, Hasakah, Syria

Syrian Government Clashes with Pro-Government Militia, Hasakah, Syria

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At approximately 0311 EST initial reports indicated Assad-regime forces were clashing with National Defense Forces (NDF) in Hasakah, Syria. It is important to note that the NDF was established by the Assad Regime on November 1st, 2012 to form a part-time volunteer militia in support of the Syrian government during the Syrian Civil War. On August 16th, 2023, the Syrian Assad-regime dismissed Abdul Qadir Hamo, a prominent NDF commander in Hasakah. This stemmed from an escalating disagreement between Hamo and Abdul Aziz al-Muslat, a Sheikh of the Jabour Tribe in the city. It appears that Hamo resisted this dismissal and was killed by regime forces during the clashes today.

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