
Houthis Respond to Formation of Operation Prosperity Guardian, Warn of Retaliation Against Escalation

What to Know:

Houthi leadership have responded to the formation of Operation Prosperity Guardian, a United States-led international maritime security force created in response to continued attacks against commercial vessels in the Red Sea, by warning of retaliation against any escalations.

Houthi Response:

In a televised address, Houthi military spokesman Yahya Saree stated that “The same American bombs being poured on Gaza were the same ones being poured on us in Yemen. The aggressor is one, the aggression is one, the leader of it is one- America. The one who led the aggression in Yemen is the same one who is leading it in Palestine.”

“It greatly honors us that we mobilized against the enemy. That we are confronting the Zionist enemy who is aggressing on Palestine and our Homeland. We will continue to confront the American-Israeli enemy until the aggression in Gaza stops.”


“As for the battle in our Homeland, we are, God willing, fully prepared and ready for anything from the enemy. If Saudi and Emirates even think about leading an aggression on us, commanded by Israel and America…We’re here and we’re ready. As for America and Israel, if they attack our homeland, they will commit foolishness they have never committed before. the response will be fierce…”

“We didn’t say “Death to America” with our heads turned, we are serious about it,” he added.

Likewise, Houthi political spokesman Abdul Salam Salah posted to X that “Yemen’s naval operations aim to support the Palestinian people in confronting the aggression and siege on Gaza, and are not a show of force nor a challenge to anyone. Whoever seeks to expand the conflict must bear the consequences of his actions.”

“The American-formed coalition is to protect Israel and militarize the sea without any justification, and will not stop Yemen from continuing its legitimate operations in support of For Gaza, just as America allowed itself to support Israel by forming an alliance and without an alliance, the peoples of the region have full legitimacy to support the Palestinian people, and Yemen has taken it upon itself to stand by the Palestinian right and the great injustice of Gaza.”

Operation Prosperity Guardian:

Yesterday, United States Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin announced the formation of an international maritime security force under “Operation Prosperity Guardian,” which aims to counter threats by Iran-backed Houthi forces against international maritime commerce following weeks of attacks against commercial vessels.

In a statement, Secretary Austin said that “The recent escalation in reckless Houthi attacks originating from Yemen threatens the free flow of commerce, endangers innocent mariners, and violates international law. The Red Sea is a critical waterway that has been essential to freedom of navigation and a major commercial corridor that facilitates international trade.”

“Operation Prosperity Guardian is bringing together multiple countries to include the United Kingdom, Bahrain, Canada, France, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Seychelles and Spain, to jointly address security challenges in the southern Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, with the goal of ensuring freedom of navigation for all countries and bolstering regional security and prosperity,” He added.


The announcement came as several major shipping companies announced the suspension of transits through the Red Sea, citing security concerns, as Houthi forces continue to target commercial maritime vessels in the region. As of Monday, shipping companies A.P. Moller–Maersk, Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC), CMA CGM, Hapag-Lloyd, Evergreen Shipping, and BP Shipping have all announced the suspension of transits through the Red Sea to the Suez Canal.

The Houthis, which are backed by Iran, have repeatedly warned that any vessel linked to Israel, whether it be their owner, operator, or port of call, will be viewed as military targets. Likewise, the group has also added that they will continue attacks until Israel stops military operations in Gaza.

Since November, Houthis have disrupted shipping in the region by diverting, attacking, and hijacking commercial shipping vessels. On November 19, the Bahamian-flagged roll-on/roll-off (RoRo) vessel “Galaxy Leader” was hijacked by Houthi forces and brought to Yemen. Likewise, several other commercial tankers have been struck by Houthi missiles and drones  in recent weeks, resulting in damage but no reported casualties amongst the crew.

Unbiased & Unfiltered News Reporting for 12+ years. Covering Geo-Political conflicts, wartime events, and vital Breaking News from around the world. Editor-In-Chief of Atlas News.


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