
AQAP Calls for Attacks Against Western Airlines, Preaches “Open-Source Jihad”

On December 25th, 2023, Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) released a new “Inspire” video posted to GeoNews, which called for increased attacks on American, British, and French airlines. Portions of the video called for solidarity with Palestinians and to focus on what they have dubbed “open-source Jihad”, in which the group will decentralize instructions and materials on weapons manufacturing and lone-wolf techniques.

Today AQAP published another video called “What American and the West Do Not Expect”, which focuses heavily on inspiring lone-wolf actors, much due to AQAP’s reduced status and capability. The video details how to produce homemade explosives. The video calls on jihadists to specifically target U.S. companies on U.S. soil. The video specifically called out American Airlines, United Airlines, Delta Airlines, British Airways, EasyJet, Air France, and KLM Royal Dutch Airlines. It also called for the killing of high-profile American citizens abroad, namely economic figures such as Bill Gates and Elon Musk.

United States Military Academy and American Military University Alumni. Victor covers flash military, intelligence, and geo-political updates.


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