Gas Prices Have Become Insane

Gas Prices Have Become Insane

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Gas prices are an explosive topic worldwide currently, and understandably so, prices are up everywhere. For simplicity's sake, we will be converting everything to gallon prices (3.785 Litres in a Gallon). Research by showed that the worldwide average cost per gallon was 4.61USD as of Jan 3rd, 2022. Comparatively the US sits at 3.2USD, Canada at 4.2USD, China at 4.5USD, the UK at 7.4USD, Kuwait at 1.1USD, Russia at 2.74USD, #Syria at 1.19USD. The breadth of these prices is large. There is a generally understood rule that wealthier countries pay more for gasoline than poorer and oil-exporting nations. There are obviously exceptions, such as the #UnitedStates. Typically everyone has the same oil prices on the international market, the prices are influenced by a variety of things such as taxes, subsidies, supply, demand, distribution, and more.

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