
Ukrainian Security Service Claims to Have Captured FSB Agent

United States Military Academy and American Military University Alumni. Victor covers flash military, intelligence, and geo-political updates.

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The official Telegram page for the Ukrainian State Security Service has announced that a member of the Ukrainian military, working with the Russian Federation Federal Security Service (FSB) was planning on poisoning the commander of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Zaporizhzia Oblast. Their announcement reads below:

”The SBU detained a traitor who tried to poison the command of the Armed Forces in Zaporizhzhia

Military counterintelligence of the Security Service prevented Russian sabotage against the command of the Defense Forces on the southern front.

As a result of the special operation, an FSB agent was detained, who tried to fatally poison the commanders of the combat unit of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Zaporizhzhia region.

The attacker turned out to be an active serviceman of the Ukrainian army. To commit the crime, he planned to add a poisonous substance to the water of the bath and laundry complex, which was used by the command staff of the Armed Forces.

SBU employees prematurely exposed the traitor’s connection with the Russian special service and “step-by-step” documented his subversive activities against Ukraine.

This made it possible to carry out a set of measures to secure Ukrainian defenders, as well as to detain an FSB agent at the stage of his preparation for sabotage.

In addition, during the investigation, the Security Service established that the attacker was performing another task – scouting for the FSB the locations of deployment and movement of units of the Armed Forces on the front line.

According to the investigation, the suspect was recruited through his parents, who live in the temporarily occupied part of the Luhansk region.

As the investigation established, the invaders kidnapped the man’s relatives directly from their residence, and then imprisoned them in a local Russian torture chamber.

There, the victims were subjected to brutal torture, demanding that they persuade their son to work for the aggressor country.

Further communication between the traitor and his Russian “curator” took place through an anonymous chat in the messenger.

During the search, a mobile phone was seized from the detainee, which he used to communicate with the occupiers.

On the basis of the collected evidence, the investigators of the Security Service informed him of suspicion under Part 2 of Art. 111 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (treason committed under martial law).

The perpetrator is currently in custody. He faces life imprisonment.

The special operation was carried out by SBU employees in the Zaporizhzhia region under the procedural guidance of the prosecutor’s office.”

The below photos reportedly show the texts between the suspect and his handler.

The Russian government has obviously not made any statement on the matter. As the war in Ukraine continues on through year two, this incident is gravely serious as Ukraine struggles to maintain international support against the current Russian offensive in the East.
