Soviet soldiers and Interior Ministry troops on the streets of Baku, Azerbaijan on "Black January" (January 21, 1990 / Photo by AP)
Soviet soldiers and Interior Ministry troops on the streets of Baku, Azerbaijan on "Black January" (January 21, 1990 / Photo by AP)

Are Russia’s Governments-in-Exile Actually Western Intelligence Ops?

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Seemingly forgotten by the Western world, governments in exile might be a serious security vulnerability for Russia. In a recent meeting on May 24th, the Director of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB), Alexander Bortnikov, claimed the West is using opposition or separatist movements within Russian republics to form "governments-in-exile," in order to take advantage of subsequent socioeconomic "deterioration" and "mass riots," according to Russian state media outlet RIA Novosti. Speaking to the Council of Heads of Security Agencies and Special Services of CIS Countries in Bishkek, Bortnikov reportedly mentioned possible "color revolutions" within the Russian Commonwealth States as a result of these operations. According to Russian military officers, the term "Color Revolution" refers to the Ukrainian crisis and to the new approach of US and European states to warfare that seeks to destabilize other countries at low cost and with minimal casualties by creating or supporting revolutions.

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