What You Need to Know:.Earlier today, President of Venezuela's National Assembly Jorge Rodriguez, replied to comments made by United States Coordinator for Strategic Communications, John Kirby, that the Maduro Government had "until April to make the right decisions" regarding the Barbados Agreement and the threat of a possible roll back of sanctions on Venezuela's gold sector. .Furthermore, Spokesperson for the US Department of State, Matthew Miller, stated on X (formally known as Twitter) that, "In response to anti-democratic actions by Maduro representatives, the United States has revoked sanctions relief for Venezuela's gold sector. The relief for Venezuelan oil and gas sectors will be renewed in April only if Maduro representatives follow through on their commitments.".Rodriguez claimed, "They still believe that they can make decisions based on their power, blackmail, bribery, kidnapping and theft of Venezuelan gold. I am sure of the splendid lesson that the people of Venezuela will give. They are all called for next Monday, "Everyone come and let's draw up the next electoral schedule. Here there are decent, democratic people and we are going to presidential elections in 2024!" .He continued, "save yourselves the time, fucking Yankees.".Kirby, speaking to a press conference on Monday, claimed that Venezuela's President Nicolás Maduro and his Government have not taken the actions set out in the Barbados Agreement on political rights and electoral freedoms for the country's upcoming 2024 election. .The statements came after a 15-year ban on the running of opposition leader, Maria Corino Machada was upheld by a Venezuelan court, despite her winning 90% of the vote in a Independent Presidential Primary in October last year. .According to Venezuelan press, the National Assembly unanimously approved the Draft Agreement in rejection of any form of ultimatum by the United States of America against the Integrity and Sovereignty of Venezuela..What is the Barbados Agreement?:.The Partial Agreement on the Promotion of Political Rights and Electoral Guarantees for All, known collectively as the Barbados Agreement, was signed between the nation's US-backed opposition alliance, the Unitary Platform (Plataforma Unitaria/PU) and the Maduro Government in October 2023. .The text outlines six general agreements, which are stated below:.FIRST: the parties recognize and respect the right of each political actor to choose their candidate for the presidential elections freely and in accordance with their internal mechanisms, taking into account the provisions of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the law..SECOND: the parties will jointly promote before the National Electoral Council, as the constitutional body governing the electoral processes, a set of electoral guarantees for all actors with a view to the upcoming presidential electoral process, based on the provisions of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the Organic Law of Electoral Processes and other applicable legal norms..THIRD: the electoral guarantees for all the actors referred to in this Partial Agreement, and which will be jointly promoted by the parties, will include the following aspects:.FOURTH: The parties will ensure that the electoral conditions referred to in this agreement are equally applicable to the rest of the electoral processes that must be carried out, in accordance with the constitutional election schedule, without prejudice to the fact that they may be extended for said processes..FIFTH: In accordance with point 7 of the agreed schedule contained in the Memorandum of Understanding, the parties have defined a monitoring and verification mechanism in accordance with the guidelines that govern the dialogue and negotiation process..SIXTH: Within the framework of the schedule agreed upon in the Memorandum of Understanding, the parties will continue the process of dialogue and negotiation in relation to other measures aimed at strengthening an inclusive democracy and a culture of tolerance and political coexistence, as well as respect for human rights; understanding the need for sanctions against the Venezuelan State to be lifted and claiming independence, freedom, sovereignty, immunity, territorial integrity and national self-determination as inalienable rights of the nation..So, What Now?: .As part of the Agreement, the United States drew back sanctions on Venezuelan gold exports, but the Machada ruling has resulted in the reimposition of the sanctions, with the US warning sanctions on the nation's crude oil exports may follow..The US State Department affirmed on Tuesday, "the US will not renew the sanctions waiver allowing Venezuela to sell crude and attract new oil and gas investment after 18 April." .Speaking during a Parliamentary Session, Rodriguez claimed "no State can get involved or interfere in the matters that concern another State.".Maduro has held the position of President for 11 years, taking power after the death of Hugo Chavez in 2013. .According to Transparency International's Corruption Perception Index, Venezuela is ranked 177/180, with a score 0f 13/100..Furthermore, Transparency International claims the lack of an independent judiciary in Venezuela hinders its progress in the fight against corruption. "In Venezuela, the payment of bribes and the co-optation of judges and prosecutors at all levels of the justice system has become one of the main mechanisms used by criminal networks to secure the operation of their illicit businesses as well as their impunity. Some Venezuelan judges and prosecutors, in addition to being part of these networks, are also being investigated by the International Criminal Court for their participation, action or omission in abuses, torture and other crimes against humanity."
What You Need to Know:.Earlier today, President of Venezuela's National Assembly Jorge Rodriguez, replied to comments made by United States Coordinator for Strategic Communications, John Kirby, that the Maduro Government had "until April to make the right decisions" regarding the Barbados Agreement and the threat of a possible roll back of sanctions on Venezuela's gold sector. .Furthermore, Spokesperson for the US Department of State, Matthew Miller, stated on X (formally known as Twitter) that, "In response to anti-democratic actions by Maduro representatives, the United States has revoked sanctions relief for Venezuela's gold sector. The relief for Venezuelan oil and gas sectors will be renewed in April only if Maduro representatives follow through on their commitments.".Rodriguez claimed, "They still believe that they can make decisions based on their power, blackmail, bribery, kidnapping and theft of Venezuelan gold. I am sure of the splendid lesson that the people of Venezuela will give. They are all called for next Monday, "Everyone come and let's draw up the next electoral schedule. Here there are decent, democratic people and we are going to presidential elections in 2024!" .He continued, "save yourselves the time, fucking Yankees.".Kirby, speaking to a press conference on Monday, claimed that Venezuela's President Nicolás Maduro and his Government have not taken the actions set out in the Barbados Agreement on political rights and electoral freedoms for the country's upcoming 2024 election. .The statements came after a 15-year ban on the running of opposition leader, Maria Corino Machada was upheld by a Venezuelan court, despite her winning 90% of the vote in a Independent Presidential Primary in October last year. .According to Venezuelan press, the National Assembly unanimously approved the Draft Agreement in rejection of any form of ultimatum by the United States of America against the Integrity and Sovereignty of Venezuela..What is the Barbados Agreement?:.The Partial Agreement on the Promotion of Political Rights and Electoral Guarantees for All, known collectively as the Barbados Agreement, was signed between the nation's US-backed opposition alliance, the Unitary Platform (Plataforma Unitaria/PU) and the Maduro Government in October 2023. .The text outlines six general agreements, which are stated below:.FIRST: the parties recognize and respect the right of each political actor to choose their candidate for the presidential elections freely and in accordance with their internal mechanisms, taking into account the provisions of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the law..SECOND: the parties will jointly promote before the National Electoral Council, as the constitutional body governing the electoral processes, a set of electoral guarantees for all actors with a view to the upcoming presidential electoral process, based on the provisions of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the Organic Law of Electoral Processes and other applicable legal norms..THIRD: the electoral guarantees for all the actors referred to in this Partial Agreement, and which will be jointly promoted by the parties, will include the following aspects:.FOURTH: The parties will ensure that the electoral conditions referred to in this agreement are equally applicable to the rest of the electoral processes that must be carried out, in accordance with the constitutional election schedule, without prejudice to the fact that they may be extended for said processes..FIFTH: In accordance with point 7 of the agreed schedule contained in the Memorandum of Understanding, the parties have defined a monitoring and verification mechanism in accordance with the guidelines that govern the dialogue and negotiation process..SIXTH: Within the framework of the schedule agreed upon in the Memorandum of Understanding, the parties will continue the process of dialogue and negotiation in relation to other measures aimed at strengthening an inclusive democracy and a culture of tolerance and political coexistence, as well as respect for human rights; understanding the need for sanctions against the Venezuelan State to be lifted and claiming independence, freedom, sovereignty, immunity, territorial integrity and national self-determination as inalienable rights of the nation..So, What Now?: .As part of the Agreement, the United States drew back sanctions on Venezuelan gold exports, but the Machada ruling has resulted in the reimposition of the sanctions, with the US warning sanctions on the nation's crude oil exports may follow..The US State Department affirmed on Tuesday, "the US will not renew the sanctions waiver allowing Venezuela to sell crude and attract new oil and gas investment after 18 April." .Speaking during a Parliamentary Session, Rodriguez claimed "no State can get involved or interfere in the matters that concern another State.".Maduro has held the position of President for 11 years, taking power after the death of Hugo Chavez in 2013. .According to Transparency International's Corruption Perception Index, Venezuela is ranked 177/180, with a score 0f 13/100..Furthermore, Transparency International claims the lack of an independent judiciary in Venezuela hinders its progress in the fight against corruption. "In Venezuela, the payment of bribes and the co-optation of judges and prosecutors at all levels of the justice system has become one of the main mechanisms used by criminal networks to secure the operation of their illicit businesses as well as their impunity. Some Venezuelan judges and prosecutors, in addition to being part of these networks, are also being investigated by the International Criminal Court for their participation, action or omission in abuses, torture and other crimes against humanity."