
CENTCOM Announces New Round of Strikes Targeting Houthi Forces in Yemen

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What to Know:

The United States central Command (CENTCOM) announced that on Saturday, strikes were carried out against 18 Houthi targets in western Yemen, which comes as attacks continue against commercial shipping vessels in the region.

The Statement:

CENTCOM reported that American and British strikes were carried out targeting “Houthi underground weapons storage facilities, missile storage facilities, one-way attack unmanned aerial systems, air defense systems, radars, and a helicopter.”

“These strikes are intended to degrade Houthi capability and disrupt their continued reckless and unlawful attacks on international commercial and U.S. and U.K. vessels in the Red Sea, Bab AI-Mandeb Strait, and the Gulf of Aden,” the statement included.

Like in previous strikes, the operation was supported by Australia, Bahrain, Canada, Denmark, the Netherlands, and New Zealand.

CENTCOM added “the goal of this multi-national effort is to defend ourselves, our partners, and allies in the region and restore freedom of navigation by destroying Houthi capabilities used to threaten U.S. and partner forces in the Red Sea and surrounding waterways.”

The Houthis have maintained that attacks against commercial vessels will continue until “the [Israeli] aggression stops and the siege on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip is lifted.”
