
Kim Jong Un “Guides” Military Drills, Drives New Main Battle Tank

United States Military Academy and American Military University Alumni. Victor covers flash military, intelligence, and geo-political updates.

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North Korean state-owned media published several articles today purporting to show Kim Jong Un leading combined arms military exercises, most notably driving the M2020 Main Battle Tank. Their report reads below:

”After reviewing the tank crews, he mounted a new-type main battle tank, seized the control lever and drove the tank himself, adding to the high militant spirit of the tankmen of our army and deeply instilling firm outlooks on the enemy and war into them.

All the officers and men of the tank units raised stormy cheers of hurrah, looking up to the invincible and iron-willed brilliant commander.

They vowed to more firmly prepare themselves to be stalwart fighters who make a breakthrough for advance in the van with their invincible iron horses, deeply cherishing the matchless pluck and courage provided by him.

Then he had a photo session with the tankmen of the Seoul Ryu Kyong Su Guards 105th Tank Division who won the match with outstanding results.”

KJU was accompanied by several high ranking members of the DPRK military including: “Kang Sun Nam, Minister of National Defence of the DPRK, Ri Yong Gil, Chief of the General Staff of the KPA, the vice-minister of National Defence in charge of equipment, the director of the tank warfare department of the KPA General Staff and commanding officers of the tankmen large combined units of the KPA.”

These drills and PR outreaches come amid soaring tensions with South Korea and the United States, to the backdrop of supplying the Russian Federation with ammunition for its war in Ukraine.

The photos are below:
