
Hijacked Vessel Moored Off Coast of Somalia, Pirates Demand Ransom

United States Military Academy and American Military University Alumni. Victor covers flash military, intelligence, and geo-political updates.

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The Background:

As this publication reported earlier this week, on 12 Mar, the Bangladeshi-flagged vessel MV Abdullah was hijacked by dozens, and possibly up to 50, Somali pirates. Initially, the crew was reported safe in the ship’s citadel. However, it has been confirmed that the pirates took control of the vessel and steered it towards the Somali coast.

By 0500 on 14 Mar, the pirates have moored the vessel 20NM off the coast of Garacad, Somalia. The pirate group announced that it will kill the hostages one-by-one if they do not receive ransom, the value was no publicly disclosed.

The EU Naval Force announced that an Operation Atalanta vessel was shadowing the pirates and observed it anchor off the coast .

New Information:

This morning, the EU Naval Force announced that more than half of the pirates had departed the vessel and made for shore. The crew is reportedly safe in the citadel. The announcement reads below:

Visual information gathered from ATALANTA of the merchant vessel shows at least 12 confirm alleged pirates on board the ship although the initial alert of the hijack pointed at a group of 20-armed people. It is possible that the origin of the pirates taking part in this hijacked is the same as MV RUEN.

Three camps of alleged pirates groups have been identificated in different areas in the North, center and South of Somali Coast. From these camps they support hijacking operations.

The situation on board remains the same, the crew has reported to be safe, and the action is still ongoing.

Operation ATALANTA is keeping contact with Bangladesh and Somali authorities and with our partners in maritime security in the area to coordinate the most efficient action.”
