
Battle Damage Assessment: Dnipro Hydroelectric Station

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What to Know:

The Dnipro Hydroelectric Station, the largest hydroelectric power plant in Ukraine, was damaged on March 22 after being hit by two Russian Kh-101 ALCMs during a large-scale missile attack against Ukraine last night, which targeted power infrastructure across the country.

One of the two power stations of the plant is in “critical condition,” according to Ukrainian state-owned energy company Ukrhydroenergo, however, the dam is currently not at risk of breaching.

The Strikes:

Footage and photos of the plant and dam, located at 47.8691, 35.0875, shows that the strikes targeted two sections of the site, which are highlighted in red.

According to Ukrhydroenergo, Hydroelectric Power Station-2 (HPS-2) faced significant damage from the strikes and the future of its operation remains unclear at this time, suggesting it may be a complete loss. Likewise, HPS-1 is currently offline, but it is unknown if this is due to damage.

Another strike hit a rail line that ran adjacent to the dam, in which a section appears to have collapsed. Support pillars of the dam were also said to have been damaged.

The State Ecological Service of Ukraine has also reported that the strikes have caused oil to leak into the Dnipro River.

Weapon Used:

As stated above, Russians utilized two Kh-101 air-launched cruise missiles to carry out the attack, which were likely fired from Tu-95MS strategic bombers. The Kh-101 flies low and fast in an effort to avoid radar detection and is armed with a conventional 450 kg explosive payload. As seen below, the missiles also employ the use of countermeasures as another way to avoid air defenses before it hits its target.


Last night’s attacks left over one million Ukrainians across the country without power as the strikes targeted key infrastructure in Kharkiv and Zaporizhzhia.

The power plant is one of the primary sources of energy for the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, in which the International Atomic Energy Agency reported that the main power line had been cut off the the facility, however, backup generators are functioning properly. The plant was already put at risk with the destruction of the Nova Kakhovka Dam in June 2023, which flooded areas downstream and drastically emptied the Dnieper Reservoir, which feeds into the cooling system.
