
Foreign Reactions Roll in After ISIS Attack in Moscow

United States Military Academy and American Military University Alumni. Victor covers flash military, intelligence, and geo-political updates.

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As this publication has been covering today, ISIS claimed responsibility for a complex attack on a music venue in Moscow which has killed at least 40 and injured at least 100. As of this publication, 146 casualties have been reported. The attack began around 1330 EST. The foreign reaction to the incident has been interesting.

The first foreign government mention of the events came from US National Security Council Spokesperson Kirby who told press at around 1440 EST that there “were no indications at this time that Ukraine or Ukrainians were involved.” That statement was immediately followed by a fiery statement from Russian Foreign Minister Spokesperson Zakharova who demanded that the United States share any intelligence relating to the incident that absolves Ukrainian blame, or keep quiet about internal matters.

The second foreign government official to comment was Ukrainian Main Intelligence Directorate representative Yusov told Pravda Ukraine that this was a “deliberate provocation” carried out by Russian intelligence services.

Russian rhetoric against Ukraine then intensified from Duma Chair Volodin and former Russian President Medvedev. Volondin told press that the “degenerates” who carried out this attack must be destroyed. While Medvedev said Ukrainian government officials would be “destroyed mercilessly as terrorists” if information indicating Ukraine was behind the attack surfaced. Ukrainian presidential Adviser Pdolyak responded by saying that Ukraine “certainly has nothing to do with this.” The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry followed up with a message “categorically denying Ukraine’s involvement” and added that Russian security services have a “long history of bloody provocations.”

The first nation to condemn the attacks was Uzbekistan in a message from the Foreign Ministry at around 1600 EST. This was followed by Azerbaijani President Aliyev who offered condolences in an official message. By 1630 EST, it was reported that Turkish Foreign Minister Fidan called Foreign Minister Lavrov and offered his condolences and support. Turkish Assembly Speaker Kurtulmus also condemned the attack. Chechen Republic Leader Kadyrov shuttered all public activities in his fief until Sunday and offered his condolences.

By 1700 EST, the Polish Foreign Ministry reported that President Tusk was being kept abreast of the situation, but had no further comment. By 1710 EST, Uzbek President Mirziyoyev expressed his condolences to Russian President Putin. Hamas also released a statement expressing condolences to President Putin and the Russian people.

By 1730 EST, Serbian President Vucic convened the National Security Council over the incident and offered condolences. By this time, U.S. media began reporting that U.S. Intelligence services had provided warning weeks ago that ISIS was planning on attacking Russian gatherings in Moscow.

By 1800 EST, the Armenian Foreign Ministry and Prime Minister Pashinyan condemned the attack and offered condolences. Followed shortly by the Czech Foreign Ministry. At 1900 the U.S. The Embassy in Moscow alerted citizens to stay indoors and to avoid large gathering places.

In the last hour, messages of support have come in from Kazakh President Tokayev and the Yemeni Southern Transitional Council while the Kyrgyz Foreign Ministry denied reports that it’s citizens were injured in the attack.

While this roll-up is by no means exhaustive of all government officials from foreign countries, these have been the primary announcements from foreign presidents, foreign ministries, and unique actors with contributing statements to understanding the attack up to this point.
