
Ukrainians Claim Successful Strike on Two Russian Ships

At approximately 1550 EST on March 23rd, 2024 Russian military bloggers began indicating that a massive Ukrainian missile strike was underway against targets in Sevastopol, Crimea. By 1700 EST, several sources claimed that ships as well as a facility belonging to the 810th Guards Naval Infantry Brigade in Kozacha Bay were struck.

By 1800 EST, Sevastopol Governor Razvozheav claimed that city air defenses had intercepted 10 missiles while another 20 had penetrated.

By 1810 EST, Ukrainian Air Force Commander Oleshchuk confirmed his forces were behind the strike in a TG post which read:

The sky and the sea are the same color!
Thanks to the pilots and sailors for successful combat work!
Crimea is OURS!
Together to victory!

As Battle Damage Assessments began to roll in, Ukrainian military bloggers claimed that the Russian Black Sea Fleet Center for Special Communications building was the struck. However, it was not until 0500 EST on March 24th, 2023 that the Ukrainians claimed they had struck the amphibious assault ships Yamal and Azov.
